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2016年3月25日美術節下午3時25分,「台灣藝術史研究學會」正式於國立歷史博物館宣告成立,標誌著台灣藝術史的運作與進程將走入另一個里程碑,一個更為凝聚專注的環境、更具包容態度與跨域視野、更本土與國際兼具的台灣藝術史觀將在這個研究社群的戮力經營下茁壯。 我們期待推動一個知識整合、資源共享的網絡平台,以及打造一個學術界、非營利文化第三部門和公部門之間協力的健全研究環境。同時,與世界諸藝術史學會開啟對話之門,分享台灣藝術的特殊性,促成在世界藝術版圖中有一席之地。未來,台灣藝術史研究學會將積極扮演凝聚與溝通台灣藝術能量的角色,從而呈顯台灣美學與文化的價值與認同。

March 25th is the Arts’ Day in Taiwan and it is on this day that Taiwan Art History Association announces its establishment, marking an important milestone in the development of Taiwanese art history. It is anticipated that more sincere commitment will be made to the study of Taiwanese art history; open-mindedness will be nourished amongst researchers; and interdisciplinary viewpoints which pay attention to both localization and internationalization will be encouraged. We aim to promote a networking platform where knowledge integration and resource sharing can take place. We expect to cultivate a healthy research environment in which academics, non-profit cultural organizations, and the public sector can collaborate with one another. At the same time, we hope to open up dialogue with art history associations across the globe, share with the world the uniqueness of Taiwan’s art, and secure our position in the international art world. In the future, Taiwan Art History Association will actively play a vital role in uniting and communicating Taiwan’s artistic energies and we wish that the aesthetic and cultural values of Taiwan will receive a well-deserved acknowledgement worldwide.