本學會榮譽理事廖新田館長於《臺灣研究國際學刊》(International Journal of
Taiwan Studies,簡稱IJTS)第二卷第二期(2019年9月)刊登文章,評論由Sophie McIntyre撰寫之《Imaging Taiwan: the Role of Art in Taiwan’s Quest for Identity (1987–2010)》,而該期期刊現已於網路發布。
[Research articles]
・Subcontractors’ Dilemma: The Expansion of Taiwanese Firms 2002–2015 (Thung-Hong Lin & Bowei Hu)
・Blessings in Disguise: How Authoritarian Legacies and the China Factor Have Strengthened Democracy in Taiwan (Kharis Templeman)
・An Assessment of Cyberpower Within the Triangular Relations of Taiwan–US–China and Its Implications (Hon-min Yau)
・Human Rights and Democracy in Taiwan’s Foreign Policy and Cross-Strait Relations (Frédéric Krumbein)
・Explaining Support for Same-Sex Marriage: Evidence from Taiwan (Timothy Rich, Andi Dahmer, and Isabel Eliassen)
・The Influence of Christianity on the Indigenous Languages of Taiwan: A Bunun Case Study(Rik De Busser)
[Research note]
・The Rise of the Dutch Empire: The Broader Context of the Dutch Colonisation of Taiwan(J. Bruce Jacobs)
[Book reviews]
・Outcasts of Empire: Japan’s Rule on Taiwan’s ‘Savage Border’ 1874–1945 (reviewed by Grace I-An Gao)
・Colonial Taiwan: Negotiating Identities and Modernity through Literature (reviewed by Carsten Storm)
・Imaging Taiwan: The Role of Art in Taiwan’s Quest for Identity(Reviewed by Hsin-tien Liao)
・Making Money: How Taiwanese Industrialists Embraced the Global Economy(Reviewed by James Lin)
・The Day When the War Ended: Stories of the War Generation in Taiwanand A Guide to the Lifestyle of Taipei Cultural Youths that Was Fashionable for One Hundred Years(Reviewed by Ming-Yeh T. Rawnsley)
・Studying Hong Kong: 20 Years of Political, Economic and Social Developments (Reviewed by Wen-chi Li)